1.   For the first time the Soviet Government allowed foreign disaster relief organisations to enter its territory on a massive scale.

2.   It does not appear to be particularly aggressive but will chase off any fish that enter the territory surrounding its flowerpot.

3.   Many birds will attack other birds that enter their territory.

4.   The violence is the worst since the K-For peacekeepers entered the territory last June.

5.   They were entering hostile territory.

6.   As a former dancer with Merce Cunningham, whose choreography eschews personal meaning in favor of chance procedures, Greenberg had entered forbidden territory.

7.   Armed with automatic and semi-automatic weapons, government forces cleared road blocks set up by the rebels and entered their territory.

8.   As we entered their territory, one of the adults would fly close, clearly interested in keeping an eye on the large and curious visitors.

9.   Beyond that, one is entering the territory of the pocket square, which is made of colored silk and often gaudily patterned.

10.   But consideration of this matter should not labor under the naive belief that the agency is somehow entering unexplored territory.

v. + territory >>共 350
enter 9.55%
use 4.83%
leave 2.96%
seize 2.76%
cross 2.64%
defend 2.56%
occupy 2.24%
control 2.16%
recapture 2.08%
annex 2.04%
enter + n. >>共 811
country 5.79%
plea 4.74%
game 3.51%
market 3.16%
building 2.54%
race 2.41%
room 2.11%
area 1.71%
house 1.52%
politics 1.48%
territory 1.33%
每页显示:    共 238