1.   Celebrities have been enlisted to raise awarness of the dangers of drug abuse.

2.   He and a friend created the Godfathers Foundation, a program that enlists celebrities to raise money for ailing children.

3.   Indeed, MacArthur has enlisted some celebrities to unveil the ad, including the Hollywood star couple of Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon.

4.   Is there any downside for nonprofit groups who enlist celebrities?

5.   Now celebrities are being enlisted for the cause.

6.   Russia has enlisted pop celebrities for an American-style public relations campaign that includes television ads and talk shows dedicated to the horrors of drug addiction.

7.   The ACLU has enlisted celebrities as honorary co-chairmen and co-chairwomen.

8.   They have enlisted celebrities to lend their names to their cause.

9.   They are enlisting celebrities in sports and entertainment to generate interest.

10.   The groups have enlisted celebrities, such as actress Mary Tyler Moore, to their cause.

v. + celebrity >>共 222
use 7.36%
include 3.88%
have 3.49%
feature 3.29%
attract 2.52%
meet 2.52%
bring 2.33%
see 2.13%
make 2.13%
enlist 2.13%
enlist + n. >>共 236
help 26.57%
support 16.26%
aid 7.51%
service 2.13%
people 2.02%
assistance 1.23%
celebrity 1.23%
company 1.01%
ally 1.01%
student 0.90%
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