1.   Throughout the Indian subcontinent, the numerous disjointed populations relied upon the combined expertise and devotion to engineering excellence of Victorian British Made Limited.

2.   Grundig exemplified German precision and engineering excellence as it led development of products ranging from clock radios to video cameras.

3.   In my opinion, it still leads the class in engineering excellence and technology.

4.   Superior French finesse in its bodyworkand styling and Swedish engineering excellence under the hood.

a. + excellence >>共 106
academic 15.41%
educational 6.77%
general 6.02%
athletic 3.76%
technical 3.01%
consistent 2.63%
overall 2.63%
sustained 2.26%
sporting 2.26%
artistic 2.26%
engineering 1.50%
engineering + n. >>共 409
company 8.11%
firm 5.38%
student 4.61%
degree 2.88%
group 2.64%
school 2.40%
unit 2.26%
service 1.97%
study 1.92%
professor 1.87%
excellence 0.19%
每页显示:    共 4