1.   The team concluded that distances from engineered crops to compatible weeds must be at least several kilometres for spatial isolation to prevent the escape of engineered genes.

2.   And even if the potatoes are harmful, this may not have any relevance to genetically engineered crops approved for sale.

3.   And they note that peasant farmers in India have destroyed fields of genetically engineered crops, so it is not only well-fed environmentalists who oppose them.

4.   And, as with any genetically engineered crop, the squash posed the risk that its new genes might cause it to spread and become difficult to control.

5.   Arntzen compared the risk posed by genetically engineered crops to the risk of getting hit by an asteroid while sitting in his New York office.

6.   As Bruening explained, creating a genetically engineered crop involves many steps.

7.   As often occurs after a study suggests problems with genetically engineered crops, opponents of biotech have taken up the cause, this time of protecting Mexican corn.

8.   As such, the study is likely to become part of the growing debate about whether genetically engineered crops may have unforeseen effects on the environment.

9.   At a time when genetically engineered crops are stirring opposition, even the scientific backers of bioengineered animals are reluctant to push their creations into the market.

10.   A soybean with the gene of a Brazil nut is raising fears that genetically engineered crops could unwittingly create more foods capable of triggering human allergies.

a. + crop >>共 751
new 7.19%
current 4.86%
modified 3.11%
engineered 2.34%
record 2.10%
alternative 1.67%
large 1.43%
good 1.38%
first 1.33%
smaller 1.27%
engineered + n. >>共 156
crop 12.55%
food 12.27%
corn 6.99%
product 5.14%
drug 3.14%
plant 3.00%
version 2.43%
ingredient 2.28%
vaccine 1.85%
cell 1.71%
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