1.   A recent laboratory study, for example, showed that corn pollen engineered to carry a toxin against the European corn borer can kill monarch butterflies.

2.   A vaccine developed by the French firm Pasteur Merieux Connaught consists of a canarypox virus genetically engineered to carry genes for two HIV proteins.

3.   Crops engineered to carry Bt-toxin genes might trigger the evolution of ever adaptive Bt-resistant bugs.

4.   Such upgrades are necessary because the phone network was engineered to carry voice, rather than data traffic.

5.   Ultimately, mosquitoes might also be engineered to carry vaccines against diseases such as measles, polio, meningitis, and tetanus, Burns adds.

6.   By developing a pig genetically engineered to carry human DNA, researchers may be able to keep humans from rejecting non-human donor organs.

7.   It consists of a canarypox virus engineered to carry HIV genes, followed by a boost with AIDSVax.

8.   The vaccine consists of a harmless canary pox virus that is genetically engineered to carry several genes that make HIV proteins.

v. + carry >>共 213
use 19.12%
license 5.35%
build 2.87%
arrive 2.68%
come 2.10%
be 1.91%
attack 1.72%
arrest 1.72%
engineer 1.53%
stop 1.34%
engineer + v. >>共 68
produce 23.81%
be 8.84%
carry 5.44%
resist 4.76%
make 2.72%
lack 2.04%
get 2.04%
provide 2.04%
withstand 2.04%
accommodate 1.36%
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