1.   The ship discharged missiles against enemy targets.

2.   An early favorite in the competition, the Boeing design featured a supercooled telescope that could see deep into space to find enemy targets.

3.   But the Pentagon insisted late Friday that the convoy included Taliban leaders and was a legitimate enemy target.

4.   By breaking into computer systems, hackers can destroy or alter information used to design weapons, track enemy targets, pay soldiers, mobilize reserves and manage supplies.

5.   Darkly, they helped locate enemy targets for nuclear bombardment.

6.   Military planners have long known the value of a preemptive strike against an enemy target.

7.   The effectiveness of many US munitions, particularly laser-guided bombs, is increased by having troops who can pinpoint key enemy targets.

8.   The work for which Schwartz was hired, enabling the kill vehicle to spot enemy targets, represented the soul of the machine.

9.   Then he began the descent on an enemy target.

10.   These steps, he said, would give the military greater flexibility in choosing enemy targets.

a. + target >>共 508
military 5.19%
easy 4.03%
takeover 3.57%
potential 3.40%
prime 3.40%
main 2.58%
civilian 2.38%
israeli 2.28%
frequent 2.27%
possible 2.15%
enemy 0.24%
enemy + n. >>共 336
fire 8.14%
force 6.54%
territory 6.33%
line 6.23%
troop 5.20%
fighter 4.74%
soldier 4.02%
missile 3.35%
position 2.68%
radar 2.63%
target 1.24%
每页显示:    共 24