1.   In fact, he had been taken prisoner after going behind enemy lines to retrieve the body of a friend.

2.   Knowing this as the Empire player means that you can position your volley guns to block obvious enemy lines of advance.

3.   Many bombing and rocket strikes were carried out against enemy lines of communication and supplies.

4.   Men from the First Airborne Division were dropped behind enemy lines.

5.   The design resulted from an Air Ministry requirement for the rapid, accurate delivery of specialist troops and agents behind enemy lines.

6.   Those who joined knew full well that they were liable to be dropped behind enemy lines.

7.   One regiment was trapped behind enemy lines.

8.   An entire army prepares to jump behind enemy lines.

9.   During the Gulf War, the S-A-S went behind enemy lines to destroy Iraqi scud missile sites.

a. + line >>共 738
offensive 8.59%
long 7.17%
new 3.95%
defensive 3.51%
blue 2.73%
fine 2.21%
state 2.01%
first 1.86%
straight 1.71%
same 1.44%
enemy 0.59%
enemy + n. >>共 336
fire 8.14%
force 6.54%
territory 6.33%
line 6.23%
troop 5.20%
fighter 4.74%
soldier 4.02%
missile 3.35%
position 2.68%
radar 2.63%
每页显示:    共 120