1.   The role of endoscopic stenting for postoperative biliary strictures is still debated.

2.   We have advocated initial endoscopic stenting for bile duct strictures after open cholecystectomy.

3.   When these strictures are temporarily dilated by endoscopic stenting, the permanent presence of these clips might perhaps induce restricturing after stent removal.

a. + stenting >>共 4
biliary 36.36%
endoscopic 36.36%
initial 18.18%
carotid 9.09%
endoscopic + n. >>共 66
biopsy 8.48%
cholangiopancreatography 8.48%
treatment 8.04%
sclerotherapy 6.25%
examination 5.36%
injection 4.46%
procedure 3.57%
sphincterotomy 3.57%
surgery 3.57%
appearance 3.13%
stenting 1.79%
每页显示:    共 4