1.   Endosonography was systematically carried out when the endoscopic lesion had resolved, and when biopsy specimens were negative.

2.   Complete remission was defined as resolution of clinical evidence of disease and of endoscopic lesions, with negative biopsy specimens and absence of extragastric localisation.

3.   Partial remission was defined as improvement of clinical symptoms and endoscopic lesions with a decrease in tumoral infiltration.

4.   Endoscopic lesions affected the body of the stomach in seven cases, the autumn in five, and both the body and the antrum in four.

a. + lesion >>共 165
gastric 4.05%
precancerous 3.74%
small 3.43%
suspicious 2.80%
gastrointestinal 2.49%
cancerous 2.18%
upper 2.18%
cervical 1.87%
mucosal 1.87%
similar 1.87%
endoscopic 1.25%
endoscopic + n. >>共 66
biopsy 8.48%
cholangiopancreatography 8.48%
treatment 8.04%
sclerotherapy 6.25%
examination 5.36%
injection 4.46%
procedure 3.57%
sphincterotomy 3.57%
surgery 3.57%
appearance 3.13%
lesion 1.79%
每页显示:    共 4