1.   In our patients, no endoscopic findings suggestive of stress ulcers were seen.

2.   The two groups were matched for sex, age, site of bleed, endoscopic findings, shock, haemoglobin, and concomitant illness at randomisation.

3.   The physicians or surgeons were made aware of the exact endoscopic findings and treatment given in each case.

4.   Also bile reflux is a common endoscopic finding in patients with dyspepsia.

5.   This way, the distances from the incisors were comparable with endoscopic findings.

a. + finding >>共 391
new 16.28%
preliminary 10.57%
similar 4.66%
latest 4.28%
initial 4.14%
recent 2.76%
earlier 1.90%
such 1.90%
scientific 1.62%
positive 1.33%
endoscopic 0.24%
endoscopic + n. >>共 66
biopsy 8.48%
cholangiopancreatography 8.48%
treatment 8.04%
sclerotherapy 6.25%
examination 5.36%
injection 4.46%
procedure 3.57%
sphincterotomy 3.57%
surgery 3.57%
appearance 3.13%
finding 2.23%
每页显示:    共 5