1.   I did not threaten to resign but I did make it clear that I would not endorse changes I could not justify.

2.   The Bank in this case endorses the change by bringing its intervention rates in line with the new base rate.

3.   Although Bush has never made campaign-finance reform a priority, he endorsed modest changes, including abolition of soft money contributions by corporations and unions.

4.   Analysts generally endorsed the changes, labeling Growney a solid choice.

5.   Black and Hispanic legislators testified they wholeheartedly endorsed the change.

6.   But finance ministers did not endorse specific changes to the way the fund imposes capitalist economic and financial conditions on nations that borrow its money.

7.   But the administration reluctantly endorsed the changes in an attempt to balance the desire of pub owners serving a more cosmopolitan clientele against the potential public safety risks.

8.   But Yemenidjian also endorsed strategic changes that conflicted with the often repeated goals of Eaton, the chairman and chief executive of Chrysler.

9.   Cochran endorsed negotiating changes in the treaty but also said the United States should consider withdrawing from it, if necessary.

v. + change >>共 560
make 20.65%
see 2.54%
expect 2.31%
bring 2.10%
announce 1.95%
need 1.94%
undergo 1.69%
force 1.64%
want 1.62%
reflect 1.55%
endorse 0.20%
endorse + n. >>共 698
plan 6.62%
candidate 6.30%
idea 5.10%
proposal 4.11%
bill 2.28%
measure 2.02%
legislation 1.74%
product 1.65%
agreement 1.63%
effort 1.63%
change 0.91%
每页显示:    共 32