1.   Hindus believe in an endless cycle of creation and destruction.

2.   Until recently her life had been an endless cycle of grinding poverty and growing hopelessness.

3.   Yet breaking the endless cycle of global poverty that powers these wars is achievable, Mr Annan says.

4.   The neighborhood is being torn apart by an endless cycle of gang violence and retribution.

5.   And it can go on like that for generations -- an endless cycle, for which research may show the only remedy to be neutering.

6.   At Incirlik Air Force Base in southern Turkey, pilots said last month that their lives seemed an endless cycle of flights, attacks and counterattacks.

7.   Borza argues that endless cycles of counter-engineering and counter-counter-engineering for security purposes have diminishing returns.

8.   But Holbrooke also made clear that the new Kosovo must move beyond an endless cycle of ethnic retribution.

9.   By ratifying vigilantism, Dershowitz suggests, abuse excuses encourage lawlessness and an endless cycle of violence.

10.   Each enriched America, but could not arrest the endless cycles of a market system.

a. + cycle >>共 494
economic 9.96%
menstrual 6.56%
vicious 5.84%
new 3.46%
natural 2.44%
endless 1.91%
previous 1.85%
current 1.79%
reproductive 1.73%
next 1.43%
endless + n. >>共 926
stream 4.34%
hour 2.72%
supply 2.60%
series 1.75%
possibility 1.70%
debate 1.49%
cycle 1.36%
variety 1.06%
summer 1.02%
parade 0.94%
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