1.   Being overweight endangers your health.

2.   The contamination could endanger the health of tens of thousands of people.

3.   A Maine state senator told a Senate subcommittee that air pollution from Midwestern cities is blowing across the Plains, endangering the health of Maine residents.

4.   A third of us breathe air which endangers our health.

5.   Consumers who fall for these ads could lose money and endanger their health by delaying proper medical treatment.

6.   For years, health experts have been beating Americans over the head with the message that fat endangers health.

7.   France claimed that the move is open to it under EU regulations that allow member states to act unilaterally when human or animal health is endangered.

8.   In others, they may be endangering their health.

9.   Indulge yourself without endangering your health?

v. + health >>共 301
improve 9.82%
affect 4.82%
protect 4.82%
threaten 3.46%
damage 3.34%
regain 3.09%
promote 2.90%
maintain 2.84%
endanger 2.59%
have 2.35%
endanger + n. >>共 390
life 16.14%
security 7.54%
welfare 4.17%
safety 3.43%
health 2.62%
civilian 1.74%
species 1.62%
child 1.50%
public 1.37%
hostage 1.31%
每页显示:    共 42