1.   Non-college women with children struggling to make ends meet have a different agenda from that of single college-educated women with hot careers.

2.   But how can this be, in a world where families are busy with jobs, children, and just making ends meet?

3.   Now many families cannot make ends meet even when both husband and wife are working.

4.   So he gives swimming clinics to earn endorsement money and he works a telemarketing job two hours a day to make ends meet.

5.   The Shadow Conventions will feature mothers barely making ends meet, real people with real problems, mixed in with multimedia presentations intended to inform and amuse.

6.   They were giving me constructive criticism, but I was working and I was kind of making ends meet.

7.   Forced to run stunt races against trotting horses to make ends meet, Owens eventually became an ambassador for track.

8.   The government is struggling to make ends meet as the national coffers continue to face erosion of reserves while tax revenue trickles in.

9.   For many it is the only way to make ends meet in a city where most only sell for German marks.

n. + meet >>共 148
swim 9.12%
world 5.59%
weekend 3.24%
end 2.94%
three-day 2.94%
season 2.65%
two-day 2.65%
summer 2.35%
championship 2.06%
athletics 2.06%
end + n. >>共 301
result 36.83%
board 3.53%
grain 3.42%
date 2.18%
credit 1.66%
time 1.14%
wall 1.14%
meet 1.04%
stage 1.04%
fund 0.83%
每页显示:    共 10