1.   Finally Audio notepad will enable the user to recording their phone conversation at the click of a button.

2.   It enables users to prototype specific hardware interfaces and also network systems.

3.   The most recent GUIs also incorporate a windowing facility enabling users to create a window within one application through which they can simultaneously run another.

4.   And they also enable users to back up files faster and easier than is possible using floppies.

5.   A federal district judge there barred Streambox Inc. from further distributing a product that enables Internet users to record so-called streaming audio and video on their hard drives.

6.   Additional modules will be sold that enable users to create wild animals, sports robots and a replica of the Mars rover.

7.   In addition, Digital announced six products that enable intranet users perform specific functions.

8.   Quicken and Money both look more like checkbooks or ledgers and enable users to assign categories to their transactions, set up budgets and analyze spending patterns.

9.   That would enable wireless users who sign up for a caller-pays plan to receive calls free.

10.   This enables computer users working on the Internet and within corporate intranets to send and receive huge amounts of text, graphics, and video images.

v. + user >>共 400
provide 4.23%
allow 3.28%
attract 2.87%
connect 2.73%
prevent 2.66%
notify 1.84%
protect 1.71%
keep 1.71%
link 1.71%
charge 1.71%
enable 1.23%
enable + n. >>共 382
people 3.34%
user 2.87%
company 1.75%
construction 1.43%
student 1.43%
development 1.11%
communication 1.11%
discussion 1.11%
access 0.96%
legislation 0.96%
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