1.   Some emit poisonous gases which kill or temporarily paralyse any insects who attempt a meal.

2.   The ratios change over time as potassium undergoes radioactive Decay and emits argon gas.

3.   They emit gases, make noise and keep crashing into each other.

4.   If we continue to emit greenhouse gases at the current rate, more and more ecosystems and species will be in grave danger.

5.   As long as the gases are emitted the Earth will continue to warm.

6.   A steel plant smokestack can be imaged to see exactly what gases are being emitted and whether they meet air quality standards.

7.   All but the smallest are allowed to emit more gases that cause smog per mile than cars.

8.   Carefully remove the artificial logs to get at the metal gas tubes, and clean the small holes that emit the gas.

9.   Comets, much like brothers-in-law, emit gases from the solids trapped in their centers.

10.   Companies that produce and consume energy would be issued permits to emit the gases.

v. + gas >>共 351
use 7.73%
pump 3.97%
buy 3.82%
release 3.66%
sell 3.41%
produce 3.11%
reduce 2.61%
carry 2.36%
supply 2.36%
transport 2.11%
emit 1.61%
emit + n. >>共 148
radiation 7.41%
light 7.41%
signal 6.81%
gas 6.41%
fume 4.41%
sound 4.01%
smoke 2.61%
pollution 2.61%
level 2.40%
odor 2.20%
每页显示:    共 32