1.   No single clear explanation emerges to explain the high pitted counts in alcoholic liver disease and it is likely to be multifactorial.

2.   A theory has emerged that explains how all of this can go on for a long time.

3.   Despite decades of research, few theories have emerged to explain why natural selection would tolerate such a critical design flaw.

4.   Given the understanding that the human brain constantly deals in illusions, two theories have emerged to explain the moon illusion.

5.   Several schools of thought have emerged to explain what is happening to the small-cap premium.

v. + explain >>共 95
use 10.58%
call 6.88%
exist 3.70%
advance 3.70%
write 3.70%
be 3.70%
emerge 2.65%
develop 2.65%
come_to 2.12%
put 1.59%
emerge + v. >>共 269
take 3.59%
say 3.05%
look 2.51%
suggest 2.15%
find 1.97%
make 1.97%
follow 1.80%
support 1.62%
give 1.62%
announce 1.44%
explain 0.90%
每页显示:    共 5