1.   Some computers can be reprogrammed through tedious review of and changes to their software code, but many devices have embedded microchips that must be physically replaced.

2.   The banks will also be able to embed microchips in their existing credit cards and automated teller machine cards.

3.   Many computers can be reprogrammed simply, but others have embedded microchips that must be replaced -- making the process of getting ready more complicated and time-consuming.

4.   Most computers can be reprogrammed, but many devices have embedded microchips that must be physically replaced.

5.   Smart cards are like credit cards but have embedded microchips that give them several kinds of functions, such as opening secure office doors or checking out library books.

6.   Some computers can be reprogrammed, but many devices have embedded microchips that must be replaced.

7.   Some computers can be reprogrammed, but many devices have embedded microchips that must be physically replaced.

8.   Some computers can be reprogrammed through tedious review of their software code, but many devices have embedded microchips that must be physically replaced.

9.   Some computers can be reprogrammed, but many have embedded microchips that must be physically replaced.

v. + microchip >>共 47
make 10.09%
embed 9.17%
implant 9.17%
contain 7.34%
use 5.50%
build 3.67%
insert 3.67%
have 3.67%
produce 3.67%
plant 3.67%
embed + n. >>共 205
microchip 3.64%
software 2.18%
chip 1.82%
thunderstorm 1.82%
technology 1.45%
link 1.09%
nail 1.09%
image 1.09%
shard 1.09%
root 1.09%
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