1.   Police fired on them as they fled into the embassy compound.

2.   Before being trapped in the embassy compound, Sasser had been called in to the Chinese Foreign Ministry to receive its strong protest.

3.   Before being trapped in the embassy compound, Sasser had been called in to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

4.   A reduced number of hostages by no means indicates that there is an imminent change in the situation in the assault on the embassy compound.

5.   But, the wooded embassy compound is still an emblem of two countries that have not found common ground.

6.   Castro drove past the embassy compound in a military vehicle about two hours after the bus incident, but he made no comment at that time.

7.   For Americans who chose to remain behind, like those isolated in areas far from the embassy compound, the days ahead are filled with uncertainty and menace.

8.   He rode in the truck as it made its way toward the embassy compound.

9.   In Moscow, security outside the sprawling U.S. embassy compound was noticeably tighter Thursday, with an increased presence of Russian police.

10.   Just a day after Northern Alliance forces swept into Kabul, a small group of Iranian diplomats turned up at their abandoned embassy compound in downtown Kabul.

n. + compound >>共 315
embassy 15.03%
mosque 6.56%
settler 3.91%
palace 3.83%
police 3.46%
prison 3.39%
government 3.02%
leadership 2.28%
hospital 2.14%
residence 2.06%
embassy + n. >>共 278
official 25.58%
spokesman 13.35%
staff 6.26%
compound 5.44%
building 4.05%
bombing 4.05%
employee 3.25%
spokeswoman 2.26%
statement 1.97%
residence 1.95%
每页显示:    共 203