1.   If anything, they are trying to best one another in erecting showcase embassy buildings.

2.   Repairs to embassy buildings and the replacement of outdated computer hardware are said to be long overdue.

3.   The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag.

4.   American officials say the old embassy building could possibly serve as a consulate, although it may be too big for that purpose.

5.   Beghal said that Trabelsi was recruited to enter the embassy building strapped with explosives.

6.   Bin Laden has been indicted in the bombings of the two American embassy buildings in Africa in August and in other acts of terrorism abroad.

7.   After entering the embassy gardens, troops moved quickly to roof of the embassy buildings and surrounded the residence.

8.   Embassy buildings and staff accommodations stand well back from the perimeter fence, offering protection against truck bombings and lesser violence like stone throwing.

9.   Embassy buildings are often decrepit, the panel said.

10.   Helicopters circled overhead as scores of battle-fatigue-clad marines and national police surrounded the embassy building.

n. + building >>共 813
office 18.62%
government 14.60%
parliament 5.31%
school 4.17%
brick 2.50%
embassy 1.91%
court 1.81%
administration 1.52%
three-story 1.42%
settlement 1.24%
embassy + n. >>共 278
official 25.58%
spokesman 13.35%
staff 6.26%
compound 5.44%
building 4.05%
bombing 4.05%
employee 3.25%
spokeswoman 2.26%
statement 1.97%
residence 1.95%
每页显示:    共 151