1.   Because elk antlers are more difficult to collect, they are in demand by collectors of this craft form.

2.   Deer antlers are found at lower elevations, while elk antlers are found higher in the mountains and must be brought out on horseback.

3.   Ground into powder, elk antlers are used by Koreans and Chinese who believe that the product reduces blood pressure, relieves arthritis and improves male sexual performance.

4.   He uses elk antlers for the saddle horn and frame, as well as two pieces of old oak.

n. + antler >>共 11
deer 29.41%
reindeer 17.65%
velvet 14.71%
elk 11.76%
moose 8.82%
average-size 2.94%
eight-point 2.94%
foam 2.94%
seven-point 2.94%
trophy 2.94%
elk + n. >>共 52
herd 9.18%
population 9.18%
meat 6.12%
calf 5.10%
permit 5.10%
hunting 4.08%
antler 4.08%
rancher 4.08%
season 4.08%
head 2.04%
每页显示:    共 4