1.   Walrus tusks were essentially substitutes for ivory in territories remote from supplies of elephant tusks.

2.   The researchers hope to make the new material more like elephant tusk by streaking it and roughening the texture.

3.   Among the oddities of the Sanxingdui tombs was the fact that these objects were found beneath layers of broken elephant tusks and charred animal bones.

4.   Africans and non-Africans alike have extracted diamonds, gold, copper, timber, elephant tusks and other resources in a lawless commercial culture.

5.   Larger than Asian elephant tusks, the African tusks were prized for the thick layer beneath their surface, called dentin.

6.   Police seized a half-ton of animal parts, including monkey skulls, elephant tusks and cobra and pit viper skins.

7.   The presumption is that the hands were holding something, and the speculation is that it was an elephant tusk.

8.   The study of elephant tusks shows how well they ate and how often they reproduced.

9.   Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik admitted on Wednesday that he unwittingly smuggled two elephant tusks into Norway after an official visit to Africa.

10.   Police raiding one of his rural properties last month found jewelry, precious stones, elephant tusks and bedrooms with bulletproof windows.

n. + tusk >>共 4
elephant 76.67%
walrus 13.33%
boar 6.67%
branch 3.33%
elephant + n. >>共 214
dung 9.38%
population 7.03%
tusk 4.49%
herd 3.13%
ivory 2.15%
trainer 2.15%
grass 2.15%
expert 1.76%
program 1.56%
ride 1.37%
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