1.   At rest, the beasts look something like a pair of elephant ears atop bent, threadlike arms resembling moon-landing gear.

2.   I still hate that blasted coleus, but I love the vision of black elephant ears rising like African shields over my little bed of ruby beets.

3.   Once full of elephant ears, it now overflows with yellow and blue flag iris.

4.   Then the ruby-red velvet parasols, fringed in gold, flapping up and down like elephant ears above their royal charges.

n. + ear >>共 58
mouse 22.40%
bunny 8.80%
glue 7.20%
pig 7.20%
corn 3.20%
elephant 3.20%
day 2.40%
time 2.40%
baby 1.60%
jug 1.60%
elephant + n. >>共 214
dung 9.38%
population 7.03%
tusk 4.49%
herd 3.13%
ivory 2.15%
trainer 2.15%
grass 2.15%
expert 1.76%
program 1.56%
ride 1.37%
ear 0.78%
每页显示:    共 4