1.   Both metals are used in auto pollution control devices, while palladium is also used for electronics components.

2.   Evaluations of circuit boards in six electronics components aboard the observatory are under way.

3.   Growing demand for computers also boosted business at makers of electronics components.

4.   However, late last week the company discovered faulty copper circuitry in the electronics components of another satellite.

5.   Investors also see the Intel announcement as a possible sign of slower personal computer industry growth that could affect makers of electronics components, Kuo said.

6.   That depends on growth elsewhere in the world and on world prices of electronics components.

7.   The chip is part of the backup electronics component that raises and lowers the arm.

8.   The new supplies will help relieve shortages of palladium, which is used in auto pollution control devices and some electronics components, analysts said.

9.   The new supplies will help relieve shortages of the metal, which is used in auto pollution control devices and some electronics components, analysts said.

10.   The surplus has also declined as Asian manufacturers produce cheaper electronics components.

n. + component >>共 431
computer 6.00%
missile 4.24%
electronics 2.77%
engine 2.12%
bomb 2.12%
auto 2.03%
weapon 2.03%
index 2.03%
aircraft 1.75%
system 1.38%
electronics + n. >>共 253
company 14.14%
maker 10.47%
industry 6.34%
manufacturer 4.78%
retailer 4.02%
store 3.92%
giant 3.19%
exporter 3.15%
product 3.05%
sector 2.95%
component 1.04%
每页显示:    共 30