1.   It is necessary to give further consideration to the crucial questions about the major differences between paper and electronic storage.

2.   Clearly the shortcomings of electronic storage, software, and hardware require active intervention if a rich historical record of the late twentieth century is to survive.

3.   As uncertain as electronic storage life is the attitude of electronic archivists towards the information they are storing.

4.   A hard disk is like an electronic storage closet, where your computer stores all your files and applications -- whether for writing, playing games or bookkeeping.

5.   Electronic storage media keep becoming obsolete, unlike good old books.

6.   Even still, some medical records specialists believe electronic storage of records actually improves security.

7.   It sells digital cameras and coated ink-jet printer paper, and it is getting into services like managing the electronic storage of identification cards.

8.   Obviously electronic storage and distribution are the answer.

9.   The contents of each hard drive were copied for electronic storage.

10.   This shorthand reduced tedious data entry and preserved expensive electronic storage space.

a. + storage >>共 445
waste 4.62%
nuclear 4.41%
temporary 3.68%
safe 3.08%
long-term 2.54%
permanent 2.47%
underground 2.47%
interior 1.94%
new 1.94%
interim 1.40%
electronic 1.00%
electronic + n. >>共 772
commerce 6.39%
device 4.43%
equipment 2.95%
system 2.75%
medium 2.10%
component 2.05%
communication 1.74%
product 1.51%
surveillance 1.46%
goods 1.44%
storage 0.14%
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