1.   The literature on electronic records has become quite large, but it is very much driven by the discussion of problems and activities in America and Canada.

2.   The judge ruled that there was information contained in electronic records that printouts did not include, therefore, they were not faithful to the original.

3.   What is evident is that the age of electronic records opens numerous possibilities that will enrich the understanding of contemporary culture.

4.   Often this information does not survive for electronic records.

5.   The provenance of electronic records in government and business must be related to the culture and organisation that created the information.

6.   Historians give different values to surviving documents and in the future electronic records will be treated in a similar way.

7.   As electronic records represent a new resource their location and the descriptions of the data they contain cannot easily be made accessible.

8.   When electronic records are deposited in archives there are numerous difficulties associated with their cataloguing and documentation.

9.   The distinction between privacy and confidentiality and the implications of both these concepts to electronic records must be considered.

a. + record >>共 677
criminal 7.98%
medical 4.41%
best 3.77%
high 3.14%
public 3.07%
new 2.88%
winning 2.29%
financial 1.78%
voting 1.53%
previous 1.53%
electronic 0.69%
electronic + n. >>共 772
commerce 6.39%
device 4.43%
equipment 2.95%
system 2.75%
medium 2.10%
component 2.05%
communication 1.74%
product 1.51%
surveillance 1.46%
goods 1.44%
record 0.84%
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