1.   In Brazil, electrical fixtures are treated as commodities, and Philips wanted to make electricians aware of its brand.

2.   Especially when you have a horse that likes to play with electrical fixtures.

3.   It even had hookups for electrical fixtures.

4.   Some long-term residents have rebuilt their emergency shelters from the bottom up, installing rudimentary plumbing and electrical fixtures paid for with salaries from jobs in Jerusalem.

5.   Those include holes for electrical fixtures, switches and sockets, and others for plumbing or heating fixtures.

6.   Departing Serbs had vandalized buildings, smashing electrical fixtures, blocking up toilets, breaking doors and leaving piles of burned documents and rubble.

7.   Departing Serbs had vandalized the buildings, smashing electrical fixtures, blocking up toilets, breaking doors and leaving piles of burned documents.

a. + fixture >>共 246
light 21.14%
permanent 7.20%
lighting 6.06%
plumbing 4.46%
new 2.86%
regular 2.17%
fluorescent 2.06%
old 1.37%
opening 1.14%
ceiling 1.14%
electrical 0.80%
electrical + n. >>共 402
power 7.16%
equipment 5.85%
system 4.26%
appliance 4.05%
wire 3.72%
outlet 3.07%
wiring 3.04%
problem 2.76%
current 2.32%
charge 2.08%
fixture 0.16%
每页显示:    共 7