1.   But how does one connect the raceway and its wires to a standard electric outlet box or switch box already on that wall?

2.   He said he had been meeting with officials of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to try to arrange parking spots with electric outlets at train stations.

3.   Novell has also developed a technology to exchange information over ordinary electric power lines, turning electric outlets in the world into a potential Netware connection.

4.   Often, the most desirable seats are those handy to an electric outlet, where laptop computers can be plugged in.

5.   Take off an electric outlet cover or switch plate, aim a flashlight into the box.

6.   The first step to managing circuit loads is know which circuit controls every electric outlet, every ceiling light and every other electric device in your house.

7.   Then I made a cayenne paste, a fiery goop that I stuck into window casings and around the electric outlet that seems to be a favorite caucus site.

8.   You grab a bunch of cables and find an electric outlet.

9.   The guard found a thermos filled with gasoline plugged into an electric outlet which could have exploded when heated.

a. + outlet >>共 430
electrical 10.31%
new 8.58%
sales 3.86%
broadcast 3.46%
only 2.12%
first 1.97%
local 1.73%
creative 1.65%
main 1.49%
major 1.42%
electric 0.71%
electric + n. >>共 697
utility 8.75%
power 7.84%
mixer 7.06%
car 6.41%
company 5.70%
vehicle 3.33%
bill 2.58%
current 2.11%
rate 1.71%
cable 1.48%
outlet 0.16%
每页显示:    共 9