1.   Although the best known of the champions of election reform, McCain was by no means alone.

2.   And then, perhaps, she may run for some other office, conceivably on a platform of election reform.

3.   And they said that Hastert was dragging his feet on appointing a special bipartisan committee because he did not really want an examination of election reform.

4.   As for all the talk about election reform, many of the proposals are even dopier and more outrageous than the DeLay-Cabinet rumor.

5.   Bipartisan support makes some type of election reform likely.

6.   A national commission on election reform will release its report Tuesday, recommending that election day become a federal holiday and that voting equipment be upgraded.

7.   A statewide task force on election reform also called for an investigation.

8.   After the dangling chads and butterfly ballots of the last election captured national attention, several nonprofit groups began pushing for election reform.

9.   Brunner, who has long been a champion of election reforms in Chicago, said the old system, for all its warts, was not without its merits.

10.   Bush appeared to make few commitments to the group although he pledged to work on election reform.

n. + reform >>共 347
campaign 17.26%
finance 14.33%
welfare 13.63%
market 9.37%
tax 7.16%
education 3.96%
free-market 2.81%
government 1.74%
health-care 1.69%
election 1.67%
election + n. >>共 440
campaign 11.25%
result 8.90%
official 8.76%
year 7.25%
law 4.42%
victory 2.83%
commission 2.77%
observer 2.47%
date 1.77%
night 1.63%
reform 0.76%
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