1.   Some Democratic Unionists do precisely this by, for example, listing their active involvement with the Orders on their election literature.

2.   Each candidate is permitted one postage-free mailing of one piece of election literature.

3.   Her election literature features clever writing and catchy slogans.

4.   On Sunday she was here, distributing election literature to residents of the George Washington Carver Homes, a housing project on Martin Luther King Street.

n. + literature >>共 138
campaign 24.16%
world 6.04%
hate 4.70%
company 2.68%
research 2.68%
election 1.34%
young-adult 1.34%
song 1.34%
tourist 1.34%
travel 1.34%
election + n. >>共 440
campaign 11.25%
result 8.90%
official 8.76%
year 7.25%
law 4.42%
victory 2.83%
commission 2.77%
observer 2.47%
date 1.77%
night 1.63%
literature 0.03%
每页显示:    共 4