1.   The aim of this study was to determine if Helicobacter pylori colonisation altered eicosanoid synthesis by gastric musoca in these patients.

2.   In conclusion, we investigated the influence of Helicobacter pylori colonisation on gastric mucosal eicosanoid synthesis in patients taking NSAIDs.

3.   Diet supplementation with fatty acid precursors of eicosanoid synthesis may influence the adaptive response of the duodenal mucosa to acid.

4.   In the gastrointestinal tract, local eicosanoid synthesis and metabolism seem to be governed by intraluminal, neural, and hormonal factors.

n. + synthesis >>共 29
protein 37.78%
prostaglandin 11.11%
enzyme 7.78%
eicosanoid 4.44%
factor 3.33%
speech 3.33%
body 2.22%
collagen 2.22%
pepsinogen 2.22%
peptide 2.22%
eicosanoid + n. >>共 6
formation 25.00%
synthesis 25.00%
mediator 18.75%
value 18.75%
concentration 6.25%
measurement 6.25%
每页显示:    共 4