1.   In June, Egyptian radicals based in Sudan tried to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

2.   President Hosni Mubarak was quoted Thursday as saying Egypt and Britain are cooperating to fight terrorism after the British government gave refuge to Egyptian Islamic radicals wanted at home.

3.   Egypt has repeatedly accused Iran and Sudan of either harboring Egyptian radicals or giving them support to launch their attacks against the government.

4.   Egyptian radicals living abroad may have sent a string of letter bombs to a leading Arabic newspaper, the official Middle East News Agency reported Friday.

5.   Egypt has accused Iran of training and financing Egyptian radicals.

6.   Iran has denied supporting Egyptian radicals.

7.   Iran has denied supporting the Egyptian radicals.

8.   The Egyptian government has repeatedly accused Sudan of supporting Egyptian radicals.

9.   The newspaper said Egyptian radicals have not demonstrated the technical ability to manufacture small letter bombs.

10.   They said the attackers may be Egyptian radicals with backing from Sudan, which borders Egypt to the south.

a. + radical >>共 170
islamic 32.17%
muslim 10.91%
palestinian 7.31%
suspected 4.14%
leftist 2.51%
hindu 2.40%
jewish 2.18%
moslem 1.96%
young 1.96%
tempered 1.53%
egyptian 1.09%
egyptian + n. >>共 917
official 8.02%
government 5.10%
authority 2.91%
leader 2.76%
capital 2.39%
police 2.36%
president 2.16%
counterpart 2.11%
security 2.08%
border 1.97%
radical 0.15%
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