1.   A majestic Egyptian pyramid that has enthralled travelers for aeons.

2.   Five British tourists have been injured in a bomb attack on the road to the Egyptian pyramids.

3.   An imposing talaiot rose behind it, a reduced stone version of an Egyptian pyramid.

4.   A team at Manchester Metropolitan University in England, for instance, is developing a multiuser educational game inside a model of an Egyptian pyramid.

5.   Egyptian pyramids have been digitally squeezed together on the cover of National Geographic.

6.   Egyptian pyramids and Greek gods, Macbeth and Lear, Khan and Jonah, all erupt through waves of allusive prose.

7.   Q. My husband and I are planning a trip to Egypt next fall and would like details on some Egyptian pyramids that opened to the public last year.

8.   The intricate drawings, complete with cutaway perspectives and closeup details, go from Egyptian pyramids and Roman houses to midcentury mass housing and the Russian space station Mir.

9.   The main party, complete with a snazzy laser light at the Egyptian pyramids, was linked by satellite to cities around the world.

10.   There was an amateur world championship held last year in the shadow of the Egyptian pyramids, where sand was a big problem.

a. + pyramid >>共 165
failed 5.22%
egyptian 4.67%
illegal 3.85%
so-called 3.30%
great 3.02%
shady 2.75%
collapsed 2.47%
ancient 2.20%
human 2.20%
inverted 2.20%
egyptian + n. >>共 917
official 8.02%
government 5.10%
authority 2.91%
leader 2.76%
capital 2.39%
police 2.36%
president 2.16%
counterpart 2.11%
security 2.08%
border 1.97%
pyramid 0.26%
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