1.   Recovery MD is a new line of effervescent tablets with herbs and enzymes designed to help heal athletic injuries and treat hospital patients before and after surgery.

2.   Visitors were invited to toss effervescent tablets into buckets of water and envision the bubbles as architectural configurations.

3.   I take an effervescent multivitamin tablet, containing vitamins C, B, D and calcium, every day.

4.   Roche manufactures, among other things, Supradyn and Redoxon effervescent tablets.

a. + tablet >>共 138
stone 10.86%
sleeping 6.71%
salt 4.15%
wooden 3.51%
antacid 2.88%
writing 2.24%
single 2.24%
chewable 2.24%
white 1.92%
purifying 1.92%
effervescent 1.28%
effervescent + n. >>共 40
personality 8.51%
tablet 8.51%
quality 4.26%
background 2.13%
ballet 2.13%
beverage 2.13%
blonde 2.13%
champion 2.13%
charm 2.13%
chill 2.13%
每页显示:    共 4