1.   The most effective learning occurs when the child is allowed to play a more active role in the learning process.

2.   What kinds of classroom interaction, then, are most likely to provide conditions for effective learning?

3.   If this is translated into terms of school management, the combination of quantitative and qualitative aspects might entail the organization and measurement of effective learning.

4.   Effective learning requires a certain simplicity of structure in which to contain the openness and indefiniteness of all genuine learning.

5.   Without good teaching, effective learning is virtually impossible for most students.

6.   One-time exposure to ideas does not always produce effective learning.

a. + learning >>共 200
online 5.88%
lifelong 4.66%
collaborative 2.70%
hands-on 2.45%
real 1.96%
new 1.96%
human 1.72%
effective 1.47%
better 1.47%
long-distance 1.47%
effective + n. >>共 1303
way 7.37%
treatment 3.97%
control 2.85%
tool 1.80%
use 1.75%
measure 1.56%
method 1.39%
mean 1.35%
action 1.33%
weapon 1.27%
learning 0.11%
每页显示:    共 6