1.   Besson and visual effects supervisor Mark Stetson opted to fuse the body in separate, animated disks.

2.   Effects supervisors stress that movies are a collaborative process, and the effects are just part of the process.

3.   Marie, who prefers arty and eclectic films, is one of the few female visual effects supervisors in Hollywood.

4.   Senior visual effects supervisor John M. Dykstra for Sony Imageworks.

5.   The trend continues this year as two visual effects supervisors publicly complained after their names were left off the ballot.

6.   Visual effects supervisor Chris Jenkins cites one of the best things about computers is the addition of outstanding shots the studio was incapable of doing only five years ago.

7.   Visual effects supervisor Peter Chiang and production designer Gemma Jackson provide beautifully complex settings for all of the sadistic nonsense.

8.   The superior production design is the work of Eugenio Zanette and the visual effects supervisors are Phil Tippett and Craig Hayes.

n. + supervisor >>共 268
election 13.77%
police 4.51%
town 3.70%
maintenance 2.66%
city 2.55%
late-night 2.20%
construction 2.20%
shift 1.74%
company 1.39%
day 1.39%
effect 0.93%
effect + n. >>共 187
change 12.13%
supervisor 2.94%
house 2.57%
work 2.57%
team 1.47%
business 1.10%
hold 1.10%
shot 1.10%
test 1.10%
have 0.74%
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