1.   Also on the chopping block are education vouchers for poor children in the District of Columbia.

2.   Bush is understandably leery of using the V-word because Congress previously spurned his plan to offer federal education vouchers to low-income families.

3.   But he says the call for education vouchers seems designed mostly to trigger a war with Democratic supporters of public education and their teacher allies.

4.   Gore, pandering expertly to organized teachers who dominate the Democratic convention, subtly zinged Bradley on his long-ago willingness to experiment with education vouchers.

5.   In February, Starr appeared in the Wisconsin Supreme Court to argue in support of a local law that permits state education vouchers to be used in religious schools.

6.   Most Democrats fear that using education vouchers to help parents pay for private schools will undermine public schools.

7.   The Republicans say the answer is to give parents education vouchers.

8.   The puzzling results did not deter politicians from repeating their calls for national curriculum standards, education vouchers or other solutions.

9.   THE US SUPREME COURT has so far only nibbled around the edges of the divisive issue of education vouchers.

n. + voucher >>共 90
school 52.29%
tuition 4.58%
private-school 3.13%
gift 2.71%
meal 2.08%
travel 2.08%
food 1.88%
education 1.88%
rent 1.67%
government 1.46%
education + n. >>共 551
program 9.98%
system 6.19%
official 4.52%
minister 4.23%
reform 4.03%
bill 3.10%
campaign 2.42%
ministry 1.86%
secretary 1.76%
policy 1.70%
voucher 0.14%
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