1.   Community education includes classes, workshops, and summer schools.

2.   Her education had not included much in the way of ballroom-dancing.

3.   And sex education should include not only information about contraception, but also the fact that sex can be fun.

4.   Any rounded education includes dialogue about the bad old days of blatant academic discrimination and racism, along with discussions about lingering inequities.

5.   Gov. George Pataki of New York said the attacks had reminded Americans that education includes more than academic skills.

6.   His solid lycee education included classical authors -- Aesop and Phaedrus, in particular -- whose works would later inspire many of his fables.

7.   His education included Latin and Greek.

8.   Its philosophy that art education should include art history, criticism and aesthetics as well as making art has been adopted by Mary Lin Elementary School in Candler Park.

9.   Some supervisors said voter education should include mailing a sample ballot to every registered voter, but others said such a requirement would be too costly.

n. + include >>共 1161
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education 0.02%
education + v. >>共 236
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