1.   At present Wolverhampton appears to employ more non-teaching staff than teachers under its education budget.

2.   Cuts in the education budget have led to fewer teachers and larger classes.

3.   Governors have taken to raiding education budgets in order to finance the ballooning costs of Medicaid and prisons.

4.   He resigned over drastic cuts in the education budget.

5.   It could be that adult literacy is an important programme undertaken in the adult education budget.

6.   The education budget has been cut back again.

7.   Running as an independent, Kitamura defeated the LDP incumbent after fighting a campaign centred upon increasing the local education budget.

8.   Given cutbacks in education budgets, the question remains as to whether any LEA could provide the resources required to make significant and lasting changes in school practice.

9.   The extra cost of upgrading computers alone would be a daunting prospect for already over-stretched education budgets.

n. + budget >>共 357
defense 12.58%
government 6.74%
draft 5.59%
education 3.67%
school 3.37%
city 3.12%
austerity 2.77%
year 2.72%
travel 2.47%
ad 1.86%
education + n. >>共 551
program 9.98%
system 6.19%
official 4.52%
minister 4.23%
reform 4.03%
bill 3.10%
campaign 2.42%
ministry 1.86%
secretary 1.76%
policy 1.70%
budget 1.17%
每页显示:    共 73