1.   Also, a better-than-expected economy has softened the forecasts of welfare spending and bolstered estimates of tax revenues.

2.   As the economy softened, Ludwig said, his fear that his team would not meet its sales goals kept him awake at night.

3.   -- Soaring business investment outlays may slump as the economy softens and companies and investors see less consumer demand for goods.

4.   For some in Orange County, the settlement is good news, especially since a strong Orange County economy has softened the blow of the investment losses.

5.   If the economy softens, the federal government will come under additional pressure from the states to provide more money to help create jobs.

6.   If the economy softens, the demand for welfare will almost certainly increase, and fewer states will qualify for the caseload-reduction credit.

7.   Indeed, as the economy softens, you only have to glance at the newspaper to see layoffs left, right and center, mainly to cut costs.

8.   Smith Barney Inc. analyst John Reidy said that TV earnings may turn down about a year from now as the economy softens.

9.   The economy is softening, prompting consumers and businesses alike to put off buying new copiers, printers and cameras.

10.   The government is now grappling with how to pay debts coming due as the economy softens.

n. + soften >>共 334
rain 4.99%
government 4.26%
market 3.82%
official 2.64%
face 2.35%
economy 2.06%
voice 1.62%
sale 1.47%
onion 1.47%
demand 1.47%
economy + v. >>共 452
be 18.14%
grow 7.05%
slow 6.93%
continue 4.27%
recover 2.59%
remain 2.43%
show 1.88%
improve 1.86%
expand 1.75%
have 1.54%
soften 0.09%
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