1.   Aides who accompanied her said Putin had stressed the need for strengthening the legal system so that the economy could function properly.

2.   In an early January speech, he suggested policymakers should bone up quickly on how the economy would function with stable or falling prices.

3.   Its economy barely functions and there are fears that it could abruptly collapse, sending millions of refugees fleeing south and perhaps sparking clashes across the DMZ.

4.   The whole Iraqi economy functions on smuggling, but it is controlled by the regime which may have felt a challenge to its monopoly.

5.   But he said no economy can function properly if dishonesty is widespread.

6.   How can such deficient institutions be elevated to a level that would allow their economies to function effectively in our increasingly sophisticated international financial system?

7.   If these laws were literally enforced, it would become very difficult for the economy to function.

8.   It is now universally recognised that a modern economy cannot function properly without a healthy financial system.

n. + function >>共 448
system 5.58%
government 2.90%
kidney 1.79%
market 1.56%
brain 1.34%
service 1.12%
organization 1.12%
lung 1.00%
cell 1.00%
school 1.00%
economy 0.89%
economy + v. >>共 452
be 18.14%
grow 7.05%
slow 6.93%
continue 4.27%
recover 2.59%
remain 2.43%
show 1.88%
improve 1.86%
expand 1.75%
have 1.54%
function 0.05%
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