1.   By arguing that the real cause of the immigration crisis is the U.S. economic embargo, both Cuban diplomats were echoing longstanding positions that Castro has espoused.

2.   Canada, Russia and other countries with lots of green acres are echoing the position.

3.   China, echoing Third World positions, says that the use of the more advanced technologies gives unfair advantage to the most developed countries.

4.   Continuing to use race in admissions decisions would only invite more lawsuits, Adams said, a position echoed by Chancellor Stephen Portch.

5.   Echoing the position of many SAT critics, Garcia said the SAT and tests like it are obstacles for minority and low-income students.

6.   His position was echoed by President Clinton, who suggested that Senate leaders were working out differences over how to proceed.

7.   Other critics have echoed his position.

8.   That position was echoed by the state Department of Social Services.

9.   The Justice Department has echoed that position.

10.   Their classroom positions would be echoed by the full cast at the end, becoming a metaphor for the basic exercises from which ballet choreography springs.

v. + position >>共 549
take 14.42%
hold 5.60%
change 3.12%
strengthen 2.07%
attack 1.87%
fill 1.83%
play 1.81%
use 1.69%
have 1.51%
consolidate 1.27%
echo 0.16%
echo + n. >>共 398
sentiment 20.02%
view 10.25%
comment 5.43%
concern 4.95%
remark 3.34%
call 3.04%
thought 2.34%
theme 2.00%
statement 1.87%
word 1.65%
position 0.91%
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