1.   Alexander said that careful personal hygiene and good eating habits are the best ways to prevent infection.

2.   Children who snack often develop poor eating habits.

3.   Eating habits have changed under external influences, and it is not always easy for farming to adapt to such changes.

4.   Especially in the early weeks of the diet, eating habits are very similar to the old ways.

5.   Good eating habits and regular exercise are the foundation for a healthy life.

6.   Good eating habits are the best way of preventing infection.

7.   I also tried to incorporate a strong element of freedom so that a long term eating habit could be created.

8.   I am in control of my eating habits.

9.   If you find this happening to your elderly parent, try to help her to reorganise her eating habits.

a. + habit >>共 662
bad 9.92%
old 9.28%
eating 8.49%
spending 2.80%
smoking 2.23%
buying 2.16%
good 2.01%
drinking 1.91%
viewing 1.83%
driving 1.58%
eating + n. >>共 360
habit 19.02%
meat 5.40%
beef 3.22%
fish 2.90%
food 2.58%
lunch 2.18%
pork 1.93%
utensil 1.85%
area 1.77%
breakfast 1.45%
每页显示:    共 235