1.   Chemical has traditionally concentrated its underwriting activity in New York and the eastern region.

2.   Food and medical supplies are desperately needed in the whole eastern region.

3.   Also remarkable for Europe, local politicians have shown little fondness for red tape that has stymied investment in other eastern regions, such as Berlin.

4.   A cold morning across the eastern Great Lakes region will be followed by sunny, seasonably cool weather Tuesday afternoon.

5.   A phalanx of showers and potent thunderstorms will march across the eastern Great Lakes region Friday as gathering warm, moist air is lifted by a cold front.

6.   Cashman, widely known in the Eastern region, has said he would run on a reconciliation slate.

7.   Farmers, grain merchants and exporters contend that closing the Toledo delivery point will harm eastern growing regions.

8.   Germany, for example, lost eastern regions to Poland and Russia.

a. + region >>共 728
southern 4.04%
northern 3.53%
mountainous 2.13%
remote 1.96%
eastern 1.93%
entire 1.92%
same 1.92%
breakaway 1.91%
disputed 1.84%
autonomous 1.79%
eastern + n. >>共 708
state 7.25%
enclave 5.94%
province 5.76%
part 5.74%
region 4.01%
sector 3.60%
half 3.13%
city 2.84%
border 2.41%
country 2.37%
每页显示:    共 277