1.   But they dare not go home, fearful that their bosses might conclude they are shirkers who stick to the easiest assignments.

2.   It was the easiest assignment of his career, but the character made him an idol of teen-agers.

3.   Lucy said the story she wrote was the easiest assignment she ever completed for school.

4.   Stefanson probably has the easiest assignment with Joan, who is probably the least documented of the three, give or take a few tabloid headlines about her alcoholism.

5.   The Vikings might have the easiest assignment, yet the toughest task.

a. + assignment >>共 491
new 7.42%
first 6.13%
tough 2.83%
special 2.65%
defensive 2.47%
next 1.89%
temporary 1.77%
difficult 1.65%
starting 1.53%
overseas 1.53%
easiest 0.29%
easiest + n. >>共 188
way 36.19%
thing 7.48%
part 3.95%
place 2.72%
route 2.18%
solution 2.04%
job 1.77%
method 1.50%
one 1.22%
path 1.09%
assignment 0.68%
每页显示:    共 5