1.   And Tousey has a field day plowing robustly through this idea of a rocky earth goddess.

2.   Even today, the emperor conducts secret rituals at harvest time in which he is supposed to mate with the earth goddess.

3.   Originally a shrine to Gaea, the earth goddess, the temple at Delphi by the eighth century B.C. was dedicated to Apollo, the god of prophecy.

4.   This Mary, who more resembles an African earth goddess, is draped in a luminous blue gown against a gold backdrop that glistens.

n. + goddess >>共 47
sex 13.64%
screen 8.18%
sun 8.18%
mother 5.45%
fertility 4.55%
water 4.55%
earth 3.64%
volcano 3.64%
moon 3.64%
fire 2.73%
earth + n. >>共 119
tremor 11.36%
mover 6.23%
orbit 4.40%
color 4.03%
movement 3.66%
summit 2.56%
slide 2.20%
move 2.20%
wall 1.83%
floor 1.83%
goddess 1.47%
每页显示:    共 4