1.   An earth berm, banked against the rear of the ground floor, rises to meet the terrace in a gentle grass slope.

2.   Another of his current projects, a library addition at UCLA, is enclosed within a giant earth berm.

3.   Apart from the hillside, which serves as an earth berm, there are no exterior walls, no fixed partitions between floor and roof.

4.   Beyond the garden, one beholds the earth berm, an intimation of death and burial.

5.   When Palestinians need treatment in hospitals outside the city, their stretchers are passed from ambulance to ambulance over cement blocks and earth berms that choke the highways.

n. + berm >>共 8
earth 23.81%
grass 23.81%
dirt 19.05%
rock 9.52%
safety 9.52%
cement 4.76%
forecourt 4.76%
security 4.76%
earth + n. >>共 119
tremor 11.36%
mover 6.23%
orbit 4.40%
color 4.03%
movement 3.66%
summit 2.56%
slide 2.20%
move 2.20%
wall 1.83%
floor 1.83%
berm 1.83%
每页显示:    共 5