1.   As for yearnings for high-fat foods, these are the foods necessary in our very early years to sustain rapid growth.

2.   But once a manager makes it through the early tough years, the job becomes much more lucrative.

3.   But, as in these early years, what followed rejection was a deeper determination to move on and continue.

4.   Despite the primacy of its influence, socialisation in the early years of life is not confined to the family, however.

5.   He had spent his early years as a priest in the papal service under Pius X, whom he canonized.

6.   He remembers the early years of television.

7.   He would know that smell anywhere, having lived off that particular soup during his early years in the priesthood.

8.   His early years there were spent in a squat with an extended family of cartoon sociopaths.

9.   I found the early years far harder to cope with than the teens and others often agree with me.

10.   In her early years her family had moved from one town to another, and she had never felt settled anywhere.

a. + year >>共 250
recent 25.41%
past 12.07%
last 10.41%
next 6.96%
first 3.79%
second 2.81%
previous 2.30%
following 2.17%
coming 2.10%
same 1.68%
early 1.64%
early + n. >>共 894
morning 5.15%
election 4.21%
stage 3.92%
day 3.67%
year 2.98%
afternoon 2.18%
hour 2.14%
retirement 2.12%
age 1.79%
gain 1.54%
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