1.   I happen to think that behind much of that flamboyance in his earlier years there was a fund of timidity and reticence.

2.   In its earlier years it was extremely outspoken in its condemnation of anything that failed to gain its approval.

3.   Most exams follow the pattern of earlier years.

4.   World War II had a disastrous effect and tonnages were never to rise again to the levels of earlier years.

5.   Students taking a single subject degree course, study their degree subject throughout all four years and study other supporting subjects in addition during the earlier years.

6.   The question is then do we use up more future benefit in the earlier years than in later years?

7.   This measure provided in part the financial discipline which was lacking in the budgets of earlier years.

8.   Very common in earlier years, toads completely failed to appear in more recent surveys.

9.   First as a herd phenomenon, or in a particular age group within a herd, if they have failed to acquire immunity through natural challenge in earlier years.

a. + year >>共 250
recent 25.41%
past 12.07%
last 10.41%
next 6.96%
first 3.79%
second 2.81%
previous 2.30%
following 2.17%
coming 2.10%
same 1.68%
earlier 0.33%
earlier + n. >>共 973
report 6.23%
version 2.44%
study 2.07%
statement 1.71%
year 1.55%
gain 1.48%
decision 1.47%
loss 1.28%
attempt 1.15%
time 1.05%
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