1.   The elements it cradles are in a dynamic equilibrium with the cycling composition of the atmosphere and water and biosphere.

2.   The healthy, well-adapted individual keeps them in balance in a dynamic equilibrium.

3.   The organisation, like a living organism, maintains a dynamic equilibrium with the environment.

4.   In chemistry, we are not so much concerned with static equilibria as dynamic equilibria.

5.   A dynamic equilibrium exists when two reversible or opposite processes are balanced.

6.   It is in dynamic equilibrium with the stream.

a. + equilibrium >>共 102
dynamic 6.52%
new 6.52%
punctuated 6.52%
general 6.09%
economic 3.91%
temporary 3.04%
emotional 2.61%
partial 2.61%
free 2.61%
competitive 2.17%
dynamic + n. >>共 464
access 4.82%
duo 3.74%
economy 2.75%
growth 2.46%
leader 2.16%
player 1.57%
range 1.47%
equilibrium 1.47%
region 1.18%
leadership 1.08%
每页显示:    共 15